Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Emei Qigong distinctive?

The most distinctive part of Emei Qigong is that it eradicates illnesses from the root, not just temporarily suppresses the illnesses for a time. In addition, Emei Qigong has many methods and techniques to tackle different ailments. For one disease, there are several techniques range from moving meditations, sitting meditations, healing sounds, micro-training and empowered objects to heal that particular disease.
Emei Qigong believes there are psychological root causes for most of the diseases that are caused by our emotional disturbance that is trapped in our body over a period of time. Emei Qigong has a very special technique to identify the psychological root causes for diseases and eradicate them.

From Emei Qigong’s perspective, how are health and disease defined?

From the perspective of Emei Qigong, “Health” is wholeness and is characterized by free flow of Qi (Energy) throughout the body and yin-yang balance in harmony with the external world. “Disease” is caused by blocked Qi and stagnation of Qi. Qigong is to cultivate Qi to restore the free flow of Qi throughout the body to enable healing.

What is the difference between Qigong and Tai Chi?

Tai Chi is a good exercise for the whole body moving with gentle and slow movements. But it does not have many healing techniques like Qigong does. Qigong uses many different mind intentions, breathing techniques and postures to guide the “Qi” throughout the body to unblock the stagnation of the “Qi”.  As far as healing is concerned, Qigong has far more superior effects for many ailments.

Are the healing effects the same for everyone?

Everyone will experience healing effects differently. Some will improve in a short time, and some will take longer. Some people will even cure their diseases. It all depends on how hard and persistent the person practices, and how confident the person is in healing.

Are there any side effects from practicing Emei Qigong?

There are no side effects from practicing Emei Qigong. After practicing Qigong for some time, most people will feel better in a short time, some might feel that their conditions or symptoms become worse than before, this is all common because it is a part of the healing process and it will get better with time and continued practice.

Are the sensations of tingling, coldness, heat, soreness, numbness or twitching normal when practicing Qigong?

Yes, these are all very common sensations in Qigong practice. When Qi flow is activated by practicing Qigong, many people will have these sensations.

If a person is very weak and ill, can this person practice Emei Qigong?

For a very weak and ill person, there are some techniques that this person can practice without demanding any physical work.  “Healing Sounds” and “Empowered Objects Healing” would serve the purpose by strengthening that person’s energy. As that person gets stronger, he/she can practice other Emei Qigong techniques for further healing.

Is Emei Qigong good for all kind of diseases?

Emei Qigong practice is beneficial for many diseases. Qigong is to awaken our self-healing ability within us. Emei Qigong has many healing techniques that can enhance our self-healing ability.

If I have learned other styles of Qigong before and want to learn Emei Qigong, would there be any conflicts?

There would be no conflicts if you follow the Emei Qigong teachings faithfully.

What is the difference between practicing Qigong and regular exercise like jogging and swimming, etc?

When we do regular exercises like jogging and swimming etc., we are working on our physical level such as building our muscles and pumping our cardiovascular functions. These vigorous exercises do not require special mind intentions and breathing techniques. The strong and fast movements from these exercises hinder the Qi flow in our body. On the contrary, Qigong movements are slow, soft and gentle with special mind intentions and breathing that ensure Qi flows smoothly to unblock the energy stagnation in our body. In a deeper sense, Qigong practice works on our energy level (Qi) that governs our physical and emotional well-being. By cultivating on the energy level (Qi) enhances healing to take place.

What is the difference between Emei Qigong and energy healing?

They are somewhat similar, but Emei Qigong has many to offer. Some energy healing processes might just utilize the energy from the healer for the healee to heal without self-participation. Emei Qigong requires the healee to practice certain techniques in addition to the help (Qi Transmission) given by the healer. With both self-practice and healer’s energy, it gives the best healing effect.

Is Qigong a substitute for conventional medical treatment?

No, Qigong is NOT a substitute for any of the conventional medical treatment. People SHOULD completely follow their doctor’s advice and guidance such as taking medicines or continuing any other medical treatment prescribed by their doctors. Qigong practice serves as a ‘supplement’ to your well-being from energy perspective.